Regarding the information referred to in Law Decree No. 196/2003, I/we give my/our consent to the processing of my/our personal data by your company for the purposes related to the business activity. Under no circumstances may the data be transferred on to others for uses other than those related to the relationship with GPS Classic. I/we also give my/our consent that the processing of my/our personal data may also take place by means of electronic and/or automated methods suitable for linking these data to those of other data subjects, on the basis of qualitative, quantitative and time criteria, recurring or established from time to time. I/we also give my/our consent to the processing of my/our personal data by companies, entities or consortia that provide you with specific processing services or carry out activities functional to those of your company, as well as to parties whose right to access my/our personal data is recognised by provisions of law or secondary or EU regulations.